Solar System
I am very new to CCD imaging. Here are my first attempts of the planets of our solar system.
....................Jupiter and the four main Jovian moons (L to R Callisto, Europa, Io,.Ganymede) |
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.................Saturn, and the unique ring system. |
3/4 moon, crater Tycho stands
out right of center toward the top. The ray system is ejecta
material excavated from the impact site around
100 million years ago, fairly recent!!
The terminator just revealing craters on the south pole. The lower left three craters in a line down are (top to bottom) Arzachel (96km in diam.), Alphonsus (108km in diam.) & Ptolemaeus (164km in diam.). |
The large mare center is Mare
Serenitatis, note the ridge on the right side, Montes Caucasus.