Well, Hi. You've found my page somehow. Great :) Now, what's it all about? Pup's 64HDD help
64HDD is a program written by Nick Coplin, which runs on a PC to emulate a 1541 floppy drive for a C64. Oh, you want it in English? OK, It lets me connect my commodore 64 to an old 486DX66 that I've got lying around using a specially made cable, download game images off the net, and load them on the C64. Rather neat actually. It can do more than games as well, but, well, I'm a game head, I keep saying I'll look at the other bits, but haven't yet. More info, and Nicks official site is at www.64hdd.com.
So, If Nick has an official page, what the hell am I doing? Well, I've asked Nick for help a number of times, and I've answered other peoples queries in forums and on newsgroups plenty of times as well (Generally only because I've already asked Nick the same thing ;) ). I'm making this page to answer some of the questions I asked, and that others ask.
And - (Note this gets a new line) To try and dispel the myth that Multiload and multidisk games / programs don't work on 64HDD!
I Don't know how many times I've seen this, and had to correct people that say 64HDD will only handle Single load programs! This is plain wrong! It's also first place I am starting. I'll add details of my 64HDD setup, how I did it, things like that in the long run, but for now...
Here's the page about multiloads - Including a list of Multiload and Multidisk games that are confirmed to work with 64HDD.
If you have questions about 64HDD, then I'm happy to answer them, but I'd rather not do it by email. I hang out on the forums at Lemon 64. Take the few minutes to register there, and post in the "Help and support" forum. Make sure 64HDD is in the subject, and If I can't help, then there's others there that probably can. Have a look around the rest of Lemon as well - It's a great site!