Bookmark Biosphere Reserve is a place of varying landscapes. From the mighty River Murray and its wetlands; to the rich floodplain and river terraces and on into the vast wilderness of the mallee. Over 80% of Australia's mallee has been cleared and what remains is largely in fragmented parcels. Bookmark boasts one of the largest remaining continuous stands of ancient mallee left in the world. Because of this, it is home to a number of rare and endangered species, some of which are no longer found anywhere else on earth.
Bookmark also includes working sheep stations, orchards and vineyards (including Banrock Station) - all striving to implement 'best practice'. A number a new industries also occur at Bookmark such as native floriculture and sustainable nature based tourism . These have been developed as sustainable alternatives to existing industries in the region with the hope of offering future generations the opportunity to live and work in this community and enjoy the same quality of life as we do today, or even better! Bookmark has been recognised internationally as a world leader among biosphere reserves for its efforts in community involvement and ecologically sustainable development.
Bookmark is one of 12 biosphere reserves in Australia and more than 300 worldwide established under the UNESCO's 'Man and the Biosphere' program. It evolved in 1993 when the federal government of Australia joined with the Chicago Zoological Society to purchase Calperum Station. Calperum then merged with existing reserves and today covers an area of 9000 square kilometers (nearly 1 million hectares) with 40 different land partners including local, state and federal government and private landholders, all striving together for the united goal of sustainability.