The ESAU is committed to the protection of its employees from occupational injury and to the promotion of their health, safety, welfare, rehabilitation and claims management.

In meeting this commitment the ESAU will :

  • Integrate OHS&W, claims management and rehabilitation into mainstream management systems;
  • Strive for continuous improvement;
  • Ensure it meets its duty of care and complies with the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 and associated Regulations;
  • Develop, implement and review systems that measure outcomes to assist the health, safety, welfare, rehabilitation and claims management of employees;
  • Promote the highest standards of leadership and training;
  • Consult with its employees to facilitate meeting the objectives of this policy;

Hold managers and supervisors responsible for the health, safety, welfare, rehabilitation and claims.management of their subordinates.

The ESAU requires that employees take care for the safety of themselves and others that they will cooperate with the actions taken by the organisation to meet its occupational, health, safety, welfare and rehabilitation and case management obligations.

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